воскресенье, 22 сентября 2013 г.

Носи и пой

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5 сентября родился знаменитый английский музыкант, солист легендарной рок-группы Queen Фредди Меркьюри. Фредди запомнился всему миру не только своей революционной карьерой, но и неповторимым образом, главной частью которого были усы. В этот день мы решили вспомнить знаменитых музыкантов, которых можно узнать не только по их творческим достижениям, но и по уникальной растительности под носом.

Фредди Меркьюри

Фредди Меркьюри

Группа Queen появилась в 1970 году, а «усы-шеврон» на лице ее солиста Фредди Меркьюри спустя целых десять лет. Они стали неотъемлемой частью образа музыканта.

Freddie Mercury
The intimate memoir by Freddie Mercury's Personal Assistant. Peter Freestone lived with him, in Europe and America, for over a decade. From the West 50s apartment in New York to the Kensington Mews house where Mercury died - not to mention the innumerable international hotel rooms and apartments in between - Freestone was always on hand to serve and protect the man he had first met in a department store in 1973.

Джимми Хендрикс

Джимми Хендрикс

Один из главных гитаристов-виртуозов всех времен постоянно носил усы, лишь изредка изменяя их форму в различные периоды своего творчества

Jimi Hendrix
Jimi Hendrix is still widely revered as the most gifted guitarist in the history of rock. His fluency on an electric guitar was breathtaking, and he had a way with words that somehow paralleled his music. Fortunately, Jimi gave many interviews during his short life. Here is what he had to say... I used to like to paint. At school the teacher used to say 'Paint three scenes'. And I'd do abstract stuff like Martian sunsets.Because I didn't have a cent in my pocket, I walked into the first recruitment office I saw and went into the army. Anyway my discharge come through... and I found myself with my duffle bag and three or four hundred dollars in my pocket. I went in this jazz joint and had a drink, liked it and stayed. I came out of that place with sixteen dollars left... All I can do I thought is get a guitar and try to find work. Woodstock was groovy and all that, but anybody can get a field and put lots of kids in there and put band after band on. I don't particularly like the idea of groups after groups. It all starts merging together. Music is religion for me. There'll be music in the hereafter, too. Many say they can understand themselves better when they take LSD. Rubbish! They're idiots, who talk like that. I had one [car] back home, but a girl-friend wrecked it. She ran it straight through a hamburger joint. After that, I started to devote more times to my music than to girls. Yeah, I never did want to go to the moon too much. I always wanted to go to Saturn or Venus, or something like that. I believe that maybe in one sense we might be nothing but little ants to them, you know.

Лемми Килмистер

Лемми Килмистер

Основатель и бессменный участник английской рок-группы Motorhead — счастливый обладатель увесистой «подковы» на лице, плавно переходящей в густые бакенбарды

White Line Fever
Told with Lemmy's indomitable charisma and humour, this is the autobiography of a rock icon who over the past thirty years in the industry, has stayed true to his music, his fans and his pleasures. Lemmy was born Ian Fraser Kilmister in 1945, the son of a vicar who walked out on his mother when Lemmy was just three months old. Having been inspired to play the guitar by Chicks, Little Richard and Buddy Holly, Lemmy formed what would become the ultimate metal group in 1975 and christened them Motorhead. The group went on to embrace a rock-and-roll lifestyle fuelled by drink, drugs and women, and in the process released twenty-one albums and attracted a huge following. WHITE LINE FEVER is a truly headbanging tour through the last few decades of speedmetal, offering a sometimes hilarious, often outrageous, but highly entertaining trip with the frontman of the loudest rock band in the world.

Евгений Гудзь

Евгений Гудзь

Основатель рок-группы Gogol Bordello, украинец, эмигрировавший в США, обладает роскошными усами в стиле «хэндлбар», кончики которых пикантно закручивает вверх.

Фрэнк Заппа

Фрэнк Заппа

Американский рокер носил на своем лице целую комбинацию из пышных усов и бородки, и даже не догадывался, что в его честь назовут подобный комплект растительности.

Frank Zappa
The indispensable consumers' guide to the music of Frank Zappa - the genius of the absurd, and one of the most prolific and unpredictable characters of 20th century music.A thorough analysis of Zappa's complete recorded output, from the early days of the Mothers Of Invention, through his more avant-garde compositions and classical projects to the most recent posthumous releases. The guide features:An album by album analysisA full Zappa bibliographyDetails of when and where the music was recorded, including all collaborating artistsA special section concerning compilation, archive and bootleg releasesSixteen pages of full-colour images

Энтони Кидис

Энтони Кидис
Раньше вокалист рок-группы Red Hot Chili Peppers и самый сексуальный вегетарианец планеты не дул в ус, но отрастив этот аксессуар примерно в 2011 году, отлично дополнил свой образ.

Red Hot Chili Peppers
Here is the extreme story of the indestructible LA group from their early funk days to eventual success as one of America's top-selling bands. Despite an epic reputation for exhibitionism, drug taking and debauchery, through it all the Chili Peppers have continued to produce records that shock, challenge and intrigue their fans. Author Jeff Apter has interviewed dozens of people - many speaking openly for the first time - who have moved in and out of the Chili Peppers' circle over the past three decades. He has spoken with former Chili Peppers, life-long friends, classmates, family members, album producers and music business insiders, as he plots the band's rise from Hollywood 'latchkey kids', willing to test-drive any drug or woman they could score, to the camomile-tea sipping superstars of today, whose only true family is this band.

Александр Розенбаум

Александр Розенбаум
Заслуженного и Народного артиста РФ невозможно представить без густых усов в стиле «морж», закрывающих рот поэта.

Вилли Токарев

Вилли Токарев
Исполнитель русского шансона и знатный усач заявляет: «Мои усы не могут представить себя без меня!».

Михаил Круг

Михаил Круг
Главным дополнением к гитаре и кепи короля русского шансона были усы.

Михаил Боярский

Михаил Боярский
Главный отечественный д’Артаньян всегда дополняет свой «шеврон» над верхней губой сигаретой, а загадочности его образу придают фетровая шляпа с широкими полями и шарф футбольного клуба «Зенит».

Игорь Николаев

Игорь Николаев
Усы этого артиста подобны символу романтизма в отечественной эстрадной музыке.
 5 сентября 2013

 Витя Удачин — Блокнот


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